Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The future of this blog...

A few months ago I left these comments on a friend's blog:

lsaspacey said...

I guess you've also noticed how I seem to struggle with content for my home-blog. I don't have any projects going on there and don't see any happening in the near future. I have a few (complete with already purchased supplies) waiting in the wings, but don't have the motivation to start them. Though with one of my resolutions being to entertain more (reconnect with friends and make new friends) I guess I should do some of them, not to "pornify" my home but instead to make me more comfortable in inviting people over. I'm still a bit shy after having that interviewer in to see it and feeling judged. January 2, 2009 2:13 AM

lsaspacey said...

Actually, what I wanted to say was: if you check the beginning year of my blog you see how I was so excited about every little object and now when I think about writing something about my home I get depressed because I don't even have the money to do the cheapest of DIY projects (except for the above mentioned ones which no longer excite me) This then leads me to think there is no way in hell I'm going to be able to afford even the humblest of the little bungalows I adore before I'm 50 (and I'm turning 40 this year) because of my school debt. Arrggh! January 2, 2009 2:24 AM

So hopefully I can turn this malaise around and get to work again. Obviously, I did get the place to the point where I could invite people over for my birthday so it is getting somewhere.


  1. Honestly, I would consider just incorporating your two blogs into one. But that's just me. I check both interchangeably and am always interested in your projects and inspirations in both your sewing and home. Then you don't have to worry about your blog not having enough content, at least!

  2. Anne, that's exactly what I have been thinking. But how to do it, I don't know yet? Thanks for the "seconding" the idea in my head.

  3. Yeesh, I don't know how to do it, I'm sure blogger doesn't make it easy. Good luck!

  4. You just have to pick your favorite and let the others go by the waste side. Just put up a post saying where they can find you now. I have about 20 different blogs but I decided years ago that Fancy Schmancy was becoming my fav because it was just about the things that interested me and that took the pressure off to be "designy" or fashionable.
    as far as not having money to do things around the house, i sssoooooo hear you on that. Instead of buying new things to decorate with and showing off on my blog, I am selling off my precious furniture to pay bills. What kind of do-it-yourself/designer does that make me?
