Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Buy Only What You Love...and Can Afford

This past weekend, something wonderful happened. I went to a thrift store and was validated for my thriftiness that same day. My father came to visit me and we did what we usually do; have a great meal out and visit a few thrift stores. This time we stopped first at a Salvation Army. He found a few odds and ends, including a ceramic pumpkin just in time for this weekend. I found a lamp. Not just any lamp, but one that I have been looking for since this post

Next to my other favorite lamp 

This beautiful harvest yellow stoneware lamp put me back $8. Yes, this heavy almost 30 in high lamp was less than $10! Not a scratch on it and (of course I checked) it works. Bonus, I got the light bulb free too! Later we went to one of our ritzier malls and since I never get the chance, went into Pottery Barn for the first time in almost two years. Walking around checking out the fake antiques*, I came across this lamp:

Brookshire, $200 online 

Same weight, same coloring, and almost the same height but check that price difference. While I do appreciate the Brookshire, I've also always wanted a curvy lamp, pretty similar to their other offering, the Alexis lamp.

  Alexis, $100 

And with my $8 purchase, I think I got the best of both worlds, what do you think?

Just look at that wonderful glazing! 

* Did you ever see that hilarious episode of Friends

  Images: My own photos,

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