Monday, March 30, 2009

Sister, can you spare a Domino?*

Update: Yes, I was an idiot. I linked the Domino magazine covers below from their website and meant to go back and save them proper. Of course, the website just went down. I am currently searching Google images and Flickr for the covers but it's so hard to read the date on the scans so the images don't match with the months listed below.

I just read this post of Holly's and realized that Domino had only published 36 issues in it's short life. How can that be possible? And really, how can it be possible that I don't have more of them? Here are the ones I wish I had at least borrowed and read when I had the chance. If you happen to have issues that you don't want (yeah, ha, ha, ha!) I would love to be the recipient of your de-cluttering. Ok?



Missing September, October, November


Missing January/February, April, June, September, October, November

For some reason, did not buy February 2009 but now want it

*Title adapted from the 1931 Great Depression song, Brother, Can you Spare a Dime.

1 comment:

  1. I had a hell of a time with domino. I went on ebay and ended up buying over 18 issues..but I have them ALL now but 1..October 2005
