Sunday, March 29, 2009

SHELTER Sets: Just Like Heaven

Remove the "girl in the table" and what else could you ask for?!

How come I don't remember any bloggers talking about the gorgeous apartment in the movie Just Like Heaven? I got home last night in time to see the last 30 minutes, but the movie (with Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo) looks like something I might want to see again from the beginning. In that same 30 minutes, I fell in love with the characters' San Francisco apartment!

Look at that kitchen!

That bay window seat!

Unfortunately, I could only find a few film stills that show the apartment in the background. However, if you go to the movie's site and click on About The Movie, you can see this great shot of the living room into the kitchen.

If anyone knows of more images of the movie set, please let me know.

I also found a picture of the building that they used for the apartment's exterior.

What a gorgeous "wedding-cake" kind of place!

Images: DreamWorks Studio's' official film stills, exterior shot by g0ldnangel


  1. I agree! That is such an inspired home design. Please, someone, let us know where we can get more photos and information (maybe even drawings???) on the set design. Thanks!

  2. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Yes, that apartment is quite a dream. Does anybody know what street that apartment building is on in San Francisco?
