Tuesday, December 09, 2008

My last word on this...I hope

On the newsstands right now are four publications put out under the Cottage Living title:
Cottage Living Nov/Dec issue Cottage Living Christmas Cottage Living Kitchens Cottage Living Makeovers However, I still have not received my copy of the final issue or any notification that my magazine subscription has been cancelled because the magazine is going out of business. If I wasn't a blogger I might never have found was was going on. Anyone out there receive a notice or some acknowledgement from the publisher? If so, what did it say?
Beaufort (SL-1136) and Newfield (SL-015) cottages
So, what is going to happen to their Cottage Living House Plans section of the web site? They have 72 plans for homes from 738 to 3,344 square feet. My dream of building my own cottage may have fallen by the wayside but those were great plans and I'm sure they were very inspirational and helpful for others as well.
Before Imagined After
How about their Dear Cottage Living blog, where they answered subscriber questions about changes they could make to the exterior of their homes by creating digital photo makeovers that showed how the changes would actually look on the home. One of the editors, Hoyte Johnson, also did this on the last page of every issue. I loved how he showed just a few cosmetic changes that could make a homeowner fall in love with their house all over again, or for the very first time. I have hope I might see more of this since this sentence was in their last blog entry: A version of Dear Cottage Living may find a home with other site.
I sure hope so.
Oh, and the real reason this magazine is over?
Because it WAS so successful; so many people loved it and subscribed to it, but still not enough advertisers choose to support it. Yes, they made an excellent magazine and it was successful, just too successful circulation-wise. This is just ridiculous.


  1. I too am devastated by the demise of Cottage Living. It was my FAVORITE magazine. I plopped down the $10 to get the Cottage Living Makeovers. The other magazines you listed were also great--I really enjoyed "Living Room".

    I also love the Cottage Living house plans; the last time I pulled up the site they were still there. I have printed my favorites; I too dream of building one in the future.

    I join you in your mourning.

    Hampton, Virginia

  2. Marcy, Thanks for the comment and support AND you're from my hometown!

  3. And you are in one of my favorite towns. I love Richmond so much.

    This site is truly wonderful, I was thrilled to discover it. I look forward to reading more.

  4. I think it's ridiculous too! I've been looking for the makeover issue, can't find it anywhere. Thanks for letting me know that has been published.
