Wednesday, December 17, 2008

If I could organize my time better...

perhaps I could have done something like this:

Photo: ATLITW on Flickr

Isn't that amazing? I'm sure I have enough things around my house to do this, but not the imagination, time, or motivation. So maybe I'll just pretend this is on my wall.

*I'm not decorating at all this time, I pretty much want this season over so that I can start the new year (and my life) over. Yes, I AM Scrooge.


  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Thanks for the post, interesting decorative wall. Many of us are pretty creative I think -- it is the taking action/finding time part that is trouble. For me at least.

  2. I'm with you on focussing on the new year rather than Christmas. That said, I might get our 1 ft tall spindly fake tree out and stick a star on top in the name of festivity.

  3. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I saw that on AT and loved it too. But yeah - I've been feeling a bit scroogey myself this year, at least when it comes to time. Decorate for a holiday that will soon be over? Or spend my teensy amount of free time doing other things? The latter, of course!
