Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Possible domestic Bermuda Triangle in my home

I lost a dress in my apartment.

Not just any dress but my favorite black knit dress with the awesome neckline.

It is a one-bedroom apartment and I live alone.

I noticed it was missing a month ago and really haven't done much about it. I know it has to be here somewhere. It's not like I went on a whirlwind trip around the world and left it at one of my swanky hotel stops. I just have too much stuff! Can you believe it? Losing a dress in a one-bedroom apartment?

Though I DO have eight-foot wide closets that ARE stuffed with so much stuff that I DO double things up on hangers (dresses under jackets) and I DID move a bunch of things to the hall closet as a makeshift Out Box. Also, the dress IS black and my closets ARE dark.

But still...this is getting ridiculous.

I feel a series of MAJOR de-cluttering sessions have to happen!


Ana Herda said...

Your problem is either too much stuff or a ghost!

lsaspacey said...

There's not enough room left, besides, ghosts have standards too.

Jean Martha said...

LOL!!! I have been swearing ALL SUMMER that our laundry place stole all my thin white linen shirts. Umm. Found em in a bag in the back of the closet this weekend. Oopsie.

It'll turn up.

Did you see the link I posted on your lamp search posting?

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel better, I lost my glasses in my apartment a week and a half ago. I've been getting by with my prescription sunglasses which looks kind of ridiculous.

You can call me Betty, or Bethany, or Beth ...Just don't call me late for dinner. said...

oh man, this made me laugh!
I always say thie kiss of death is if I can say,"I just had it a minute ago."

That means I won't find it for a week.