Monday, September 29, 2008

Um no, Ivanka

I like Ivanka Trump. She always comes off intelligent and as much down-to-earth as you probably can be having her parents. I also like the way she dresses, professional (when appropriate) and classy. However, designing residential spaces may not be one of her many talents. I was looking through a May 2008 Glamour magazine story I have where she gave her assistant's apartment a makeover. Yes, this place needed a new look, it was a one-bedroom apartment shared by two people with a full bed hiding the fireplace in the living room.

But the after was....well, see for yourself:

Click to see big.

All kinds of Over-The-Top, right?

Yes, that IS silver wallpaper on the walls. There are also two full-size painted cheetahs and a peacock statue in the silver, black, red, and hot pink room. See Ivanka's assistant, Darcy, right next to the peacock? Her quote in the magazine, "Now every time I come home, I can't believe I actually get to live here!" So, do you think she's really happy?

So why did I keep the story? Well, because of the kitchen. In another apartment, the silver spray-painted appliances and the mirror-mounted cabinet doors could look cool, right? I also like the curtain track to hide the kitchen from view when needed. I'm all about the kitchen-divide curtain. Otherwise, Ivanka-dear, this place scares me. I also wonder if I worked for you would I have the guts to tell you I didn't like it? I SO hope your assistant likes it because as they say on Project Runway, "that's a lot of look!"

Note: This was not an anti-Ivanka post. I DO like her.

1 comment:

  1. Just looking at the picture nearly gave me a seizure. I can't imagine living there.
