Friday, September 26, 2008

Bohemian style in California

I usually like to write something to accompany the photos on this blog. But these pictures have been sitting in draft form for far too long and it's time to share. Taken from a August 22 story in the Los Angeles Times on modern renaissance man and Beautiful Losers director, Aaron Rose and his place in Silver Lake. I love this place and the feel it gives. For more pictures and cool details, check out the photo gallery here. Enjoy!

Rose-embellished items

Note the Rose-painted Crosley turntable

Amish Hex signs

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:50 AM

    What a great space and a terrific blog!
    Glad that I found it!
    I swear with all the traveling that I do and living in other countries, it would be nice to return to something like this home! I'm in an "almost ready to nest mode", but there are so many miles left to travel.

    Felicia, This Time Now
