Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hmm, about that wallpaper?

I just remembered that the cheap place mat decor currently on my kitchen cabinets has been falling off, so there is another place that removable wallpaper would look great. So, now I can link four spaces in my apartment together. A riot of color! This makes the possibility of this actually happening even more doable. However, that catalog of designs at Sherwin-Williams still freaks me out. If anyone was inspired to check it out from my last post and you saw any cute designs that could tie together a latte coffee-color door and trim color, off-white walls, and bright colors, please pass them on, OK? Here's some more help, should you seriously choose to take on the above assignment: Living room/entry closet (8-feet long) with the landlord-painted front door in orange (ignore the bronze hardware, I do). Pantry door and the curtain that will hide the kitchen from the living room, which soon will be installed to the left of the pantry. The magazine photo from Wish magazine is a more accurate representation of the color combo in my bedroom than this photo, actually taken in my bedroom; my closets and all the trim are that weird color on the bottom half of that wall. Neither of these colors are going to change.


  1. This whole removable wallpaper thing needs a lot more press. Thanks for doing your part. I've seen too many HGTV shows with the nightmare of wallpaper scraping taking up too much time.

    I would love to have the kind of home where these prints would work. But I don't.

  2. Delurking here to say, have you seem Tempaper? They seem a little more modern. I've wanted to paper a wall in my bedroom for awhile, but I'm afraid it will look overwhelming and I won't be able to use it. I'm interested to see what you end up doing.
