Saturday, June 14, 2008

Yes, Too Much!

Thanks everyone for your feedback on the comforter.

Why, oh why, do I not listen to myself?

I kept putting off that purchase and then when I finally bought it, I let it sit in the living room for days.

The day I wrote that other post I had remade the bed with new sheets and put on the shams and coverlet. As I traveled the world wide web, I would glance over my shoulder every now and then and look at the bed. So, what was I thinking? Well it wasn't what commenter liam's mom - gina said, which was "If you walk in the room and feel joy, that is all that matters."

Well, I did not feel joy.

I kept thinking about how my bed looked in the first photo of that post, so calm and relaxing, and I knew full well that was not the way I felt about this new look.

My favorite photo from those shots was the one where the sham seemed to only have the green, yellow, orange and red stripes. If the quilt contained only those colors, it would have been perfect. However, I couldn't look at the quilt without truly hating that section of pale blue, aqua, pink, and fuchsia. It even had the nerve to show up twice!

The quilt went back this past week and my credit card is $80 lighter (well, at least until that Denyse Schmidt "cheater cloth" comes to my local quilt shop!)

Taking a cue from my goals for my wardrobe, I no longer want "it will do" items in my home and this quilt just would not do for me.


  1. I've done the same thing uncountable times. Sometimes you have to see something "in the flesh" before you know whether it really works (or doesn't work.) Now you'll never have to wonder "what if."

  2. Oh, and bedding is so hard because it is such a huge part of the room! I just had to send back a gorgeous set of sheets I found on sale at Crate and Barrel, the pattern was insanely beautiful but the colors in person were much more neon than the colors in the catalog. Bedding can be tough, I say good for you for not settling for stuff you don't love.

  3. Anonymous4:33 PM

    i totally get you on not settling for 'just good' items for your home - i'm that way when it comes to clothes/accessories...for the past year or so i don't buy anything that i don't LOVE - as a result my savings account has thrived and i love everything i buy :o) same principle applies when shopping for anything for my home to be...
