Thursday, June 19, 2008

C'est tres chic!

I have a great kitchen cabinet makeover for you this time.

What do you say about upholstered kitchen cabinet doors?

Sound like something out of your budget? Something too luxurious to imagine?

Well, what if I say no. It is just a very do-able DIY project from the sweet Veronique of Tres Chic Veronique. I discovered her blog after seeing an adorable dress she had just made on her Flickr stream.

Once the beautiful yellow and black Honeybee fabric from Etsuko Furuya's caught my eye and I got over the surprise that the fabric really was on the doors of her cabinets I knew I had to share this greatness with others. Her cool tutorial is here.


  1. I just had to agree that this is very, very cool - but perhaps a more practical, wipe-able fabric, like an oilcloth print?

  2. You could take it one step further and design and print your own fabric over at Spoonflower to use.

    And yes, covering it with some form of plastic would probably be useful...
