Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Oh, To Live In A Glass House

Note: Originally published at the 2Modern Design Talk blog.

You may have noticed; as much of the consumer buying public did, that clothing company J.Crew placed the photo shoot for their last catalog on the immaculate grounds of the Richard Neutra-designed Kaufmann Desert house.

Kaufmann Desert House

If you didn't get enough modern design love from that, there are a few more design gems from that period in architecture that are still standing.

Phillip Johnson Glass House

This building, known as Da Monsta, is the visitor center at the Philip Johnson Glass House site. The site also includes numerous constructions by Johnson in a few different styles.

The National Trust for Historic Preservation has acquired two new modern-era designed buildings, the Philip Johnson-designed Glass House and the Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Farnsworth House. Both houses can be seen in this month's (May/ June) issue of the organization's Preservation magazine which discusses a new appreciation of Modernism in terms of architecture and the need for on-going protection.

Farnsworth House

Other modern masterpieces around the country include:

A Rudolf Schindler House

Philip Lovell House

Pierre Koenig Case Study Home

Photos from Time magazine and

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