Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I have a problem with commitment

The Facts: I had three sewing projects I needed to work on. That was the goal.

However, I recently finished the bolster pillows from last fall and wanted to photograph them on the love seat for the blog. But that would mean I had to readjust the slipcover again.

The Truth:
I hate to admit it but the above refit from months ago doesn't really look like that all the time, especially not after I take a nap on it.

So, while I'm gearing up to do the 'pull this here and tuck that there' stuff I think of a new and drastic way to refit the slipcover. And before I know it out comes the scissors (!) and pins.

The Problem: I now have to finish this new thing I started before you see the bolsters from last fall on the love seat and before I finish those three sewing projects. This is why nothing gets finished in my home. Except the bolsters, see the lovely bolsters below.

Seriously, somebody help me.

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