Monday, September 02, 2013

Domino Magazine Returns!!

Holiday 2013!
I don't want to get my hopes up too much, but it seems Condé Nast has finally seen the error of their ways and are actually relaunching one of the best design magazine of this generation, Domino!!! Announced last week in Women's Wear Daily, this fall will see the return of the beloved magazine. This time they are being cautious, the print magazine will appear quarterly instead of monthly, as before. Most importantly, the print editions will be accompanied by an e-commerce site developed by e-commerce design company Project Décor. 
March 2009
Originally launched in 2005 as a home decor-focused complement to fellow Condé Nast publication Lucky, the magazine became a near cult phenomenon in only three years. It's cancellation launched numerous blog posts mourning its demise.

November 2006
This post on E! pretty much sums up what was great about the magazine and made it stand out from all the others currently on the newsstand shelves. I will cross my fingers that they do not change it too much. I hope they remember how we mourned it in 2009 exactly the way it was, and that version of the magazine is what we want back. Except of course, hopefully they will have more advertising revenue, since that was the reason it disappeared, not lack of popularity or circulation.

October 2007
They are still being cautious, the print magazine will be quarterly this time and is accompanied by an e-commerce site. Pro: original publisher Beth Brenner returns Cons: founding editor Deborah Needleman will not and individual issues will be over $10. Let's cross our fingers, OK?

Hey Domino, see you in the fall!

1 comment:

  1. it's out, girl. just grabbed one today.
