Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Do You Have Clutter To Clear?

In 2008, I wrote about a article in the 2007 April issue of Real Simple magazine*. I just found out that the article's author, Gail Blanke, has now released an entire book on the subject, Throw out Fifty Things: Clear the Clutter, Find your Life.

Even though I was greatly influenced by the article and definitely believe in the benefits she described, I still have quite a way to go in clearing out my clutter. There is definitely a reason that I can't seem to let it go. So I can't wait until the library gets their copy in so I can read this. For those of you with healthier paychecks, please go and buy a copy.

* For some reason, they've removed it from their website.


  1. I love clearing clutter and have been meaning to do a clear out soon. If you haven't already, check out Peter Walsh's book, It's All Too Much. Hopefully they will have it at your library. It's a great way to look at things.

  2. Looks wonderful. Great reading your post as well. your blog is too fine.. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
