Friday, January 29, 2010

My 2nd Favorite Piece of Furniture

You've already heard about the first, my $25 gift from my father. Well, here's a free bureau/dresser/desk I received from my older sister years ago, who got it at a yard sale.

Top and Bottom
curved details that I love about it

It's in the same bad condition it was when I received it except now it has three vertical streaks down its front. Unfortunately, when I moved from Northern VA to Richmond, the drawers were taped so that the drawers would not fall out. The marks are what appeared when the tape (clear packing tape when it should have been masking tape) was removed. Therefore, even though I was tired of the beaten and graffiti-covered look before, I feel I really need to do something about it now.


Above is the secretary desk part of it with drop-down table. The desk caddy is on metal rollers and can be removed. When I had less closet space I used that area to stack my sweaters. Now it holds resume materials, printer paper, blank envelopes, my old cameras, jewelry, and some makeup.

I truly love this piece and I guess the main reason I haven't done anything to it is because I'm scared of ruining it. I know if you paint something you can always repaint it, but I have yet to do that with any other furniture I've painted. So I guess I feel I only have one shot at it. I'm thinking a dark blue-green to mix it in with my other bedroom stuff. However, before I tackle this piece I still have to finish the armoire in the living room which more people will see.

By the way, I would love to have a matching bedside table for this, so if anyone knows of one, let me know!


  1. I love a nice secretary desk! I am actually in the process of stripping and refinishing a table from my grandmother and it is pretty exciting, have you considered going that route instead of repainting?

  2. That is beautiful! I love the secretary's like a secret compartment.

  3. This is the good blog with good images and good details. Please keep on posting the more stuff. I will like to hear more from you.

  4. Hi, You are doing great job, keep it up
