Tuesday, December 15, 2009

World's Fair Survivors

At work we get an email of links to news article relating to preservation in the State of Virginia and nationwide. I just came across this mention of a structure in New York, the New York State Pavilion at Flushing Meadows-Corona Park that is now eligible for state landmark status. This building was erected for the New York World's Fair in 164-65. 

A book that I've mentioned before on this blog is The Devil in the White City, a murder story (not a mystery) based in Chicago during the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition. Within it's story it also describes the architectural goals put forth by the exhibition building committee and the fact that none of the building were meant to last "the test of time." Therefore, the remaining examples we have from the fairs are truly worth saving, for they are true survivors. Also many of the buildings were designed by architects who later became known as masters of their craft, such as Louis Sullivan and Phillip Johnson.

Years ago, on a business trip I vowed that I would one day get married in the St. Louis 1904 World's Fair Pavilion. Isn't it lovely?!

But then while doing research for this post I found that the Pavilion didn't even exist during the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, instead it was built as a monument to the fair and financed from the revenue accumulated there. 

Oh well. I also haven't moved to St. Louis yet and I don't have a husband-in-waiting.

St. Louis images: Chandler Curlee and gobucks2's Flickr stream


  1. Great article that informativeness. I have to follow your blog. Thank you so much for the post.

  2. That would be a beautiful place to get married. I love the sweeping lawns.

  3. You didn't mention Seattle's Pavilions. The most recognizable landmarks in the city!

    I've read Devil in the White City and while it was a drag the side story about the state fair was very interesting.
