Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Virginia House - Building and Grounds

(Richmond News Company, K3954)

Landscape Architect: Charles Gillette

It was fascinating to find that the plan of Virginia House was based on the owner's wish that someday their home would be the headquarters of the Virginia Historical Society, who now owns and operates the structure.

Two separate houses supplied the inspiration for these roof sections

Views of the leaded glass windows

Loggia and small balcony

(Capitol News Agency, 68024)

This glass door leads from the house to the gardens shown below

Images: Historical postcards along with other historical postcards of Richmond, VA are available here ; all photographs are my own


  1. Anonymous4:07 PM

    In your comments regarding the designs of the gables on the west and central wings, you indicate the materials came from two buildings. This is not correct. While the roofline designs were inspired by two different buildings (the west wing by Sulgrave Manor, the ancestral Washington home and the central wing by the Warick Priory) all of the building materials came from the Warick Priory, a 16th century building the Weddells purchased, dismantled and shipped here in the late 1920's.

  2. I understand your misunderstanding (I was a bit vague) but I definitely did not say the materials came from those buildings. I have amended the caption.
