Monday, October 12, 2009

Glamour Shots

I love the combination of this curry yellow color and the blue. I've had these pictures scanned for months but it wasn't until I pasted them in this page that I realized they each had this combo. As you know, I love painted furniture. I just feel it brings so much character to a room.

I love the bench seat of the sofa, no need to fluff and wrangle cushions when you get up.

The touches of red are great. Lately, I was thinking my apartment needs more touches of the yellow and purple thrown around.

Images: Glamour magazine, July 2008


  1. I agree, that curry yellow with the saturated bright blue is a great combo, and one I never would think of in a million years!

  2. I love painted furniture too! (I do lots of decorative painting, so I guess this isn't surprising, ha) Drives me crazy when people always insist on having bare wood...

