Monday, August 24, 2009

Newlywed's First Home

Because of my finances I've been putting off buying magazines, but the latest copy of Country Living has been tempting me. It's a Makeover issue, I mean, come on?! Luckily, I have a friend that's been "paying me forward" with her copies after she's done with them (she's not a hoarder of mags like I am). So, at the moment, I don't have this issue in front of me.

However, yesterday I opened up my email and found a message from the guy who's story is on the front cover of the September issue and a link back to his design blog, Design Therapy. I thought the story of this little house was definitely worth sharing. You see, it's not just a typical design makeover story as the house was his parent's first home when they got married. They heard it was going to be demolished and had it moved to their property as a guesthouse. And then their son had it redone for under $4,000.

  Lovely, isn't it? Find more photos from the mag on his post here and the whole story complete with the before pictures on the Country Living site here. Images: Country Living magazine


  1. I saw this little house elsewhere on the web (can't remember where) and was struck by the elegant simplicity of their design solutions. I fantasize about being able to do this with my next house!

  2. Definitely, it's a lovely newly weds home.
