Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Vintage Store Gold

On Saturday, my friend Michelle and I took a road trip up Route 301 to Historic Fredericksburg to check out the shops on Caroline Avenue. We are extremely lucky that we are currently poor because we could have gotten ourselves into so much trouble!

The vintage/antique stores were the best I've seen in years. For some reason, the various wares that I personally am interested in were everywhere: vintage rocking chairs, Amberina glass, children's miniature sewing machines, vintage cameras, and unique floor lamps. Wow.

Here are just a few pictures of our finds:

Green Moon & Stars compote, $20.

Ceramic bookends for $20

Small crystal chandelier, $100

Children's miniature sewing machine, $24

The needle mechanism on this vintage Sew Mistress actually still worked.

This is just a sampling, but they had so many different varieties and brands of these old sewing manuals and cookbooks, sometimes, we saw complete sets.

Images: Downtown Fredericksburg.com

These pictures are from just a few of the stores we looked at, Blue Shark Antiques, Upstairs Downstairs Antiques, and Carroll's Timeless Treasures, all on Caroline Street. But there were many, many more.

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