Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Historic Preservation In Pictures

This weekend I'm going to check out the Fredericksburg Historic District and take some pictures. I'm going with a friend who is a photographer. While doing research for the trip, I checked out our files at work and also checked the internet. Almost immediately I came across some great photographs on Flickr, all from the same account, one army.arch.

As it turns out, army.arch works as a architectural historian and travels around the country for work. His Flickr pool is amazing. His goal (which I commend) is to match up his photos with their corresponding National Register numbers. That is fabulous because the National Park Service's National Register of Historic Places website doesn't yet have photographs available for all of it's listed properties and on it's own Flickr group, most of the names and numbers are lacking for the properties that are shown there.

So please check out his individual sets and get to love this country's past building accomplishments just a little bit more.

You Don't Know What You Have Until It's Gone (Almost always the saddest photos for me.)

Thank you for your work, army.arch!

Image: army.arch Flickr set (Carl's, National Register #05000642)

1 comment:

  1. army.arch4:39 PM

    Thank you so much for visiting my photostream and the kudos! They're much appreciated.
