Friday, May 29, 2009

Romeo and Juliet on Park Avenue

While dog walking for a friend a week ago, I came across an interesting combination of porches and balconies. I had never seen a first story balcony and this one is quite unusual because of its fortress-like design. It immediately reminded me of Romeo and Juliet. I was hoping to find some more information on the building's design but could not.

This 1914 building, known
as The Beauvoir, is located at 601 North Davis in the Historic Fan District and is part of the Monument Avenue Historic District. It is an old apartment building that has been made into condominiums* Almost all of the old apartments that friends and I lived in when in college are now condominiums.

I'm not sure what the original apartment sizes were but a recent condo for sale is listed at 1,720 square feet. Let's say that this is a combination of three 570 square feet one-bedroom apartments that might rent for $750 a month each. This condo; which remember is one of many and not a stand-alone home, is priced at $329,000 ($200 per square foot). I'm sorry but for that amount of money I don't want any neighbors upstairs or downstairs. I also would want a yard.

Love the variety of window types/styles on this one wall.

Say hi to my buddy Angie!

* Well, I guess it's the best way to make more money while still offering the same old product.

Images: CVRMLS real estate listing photo, all others taken by me.


  1. Thought about yout this morning... wondering where you've been! Glad to hear from you! I feel the same way about the Fan. All of those places are beautiful, but tiny and over-priced... especially in this market.

    I'm going to do a Park Avenue tour ending w. lunch at the VMFA on the 13th. Want to go with me? I'm just going to take some photos and enjoy the beauty.

  2. Sadly, home-wise, I haven't felt inspired. I'm so upset because this blog was the whole reason I got into blogging, hopefully the love will come back. The 13th sounds great...I'll email you.

  3. What a beautiful building/space; it reminds me of a similar neighborhood in Norfolk (Ghent.) But I agree with you both, very overpriced.

    The floors though are fab.

    Here's hoping you get your inspiration back soon!
