Monday, April 13, 2009


Still missing Domino magazine like I am?

Well, two lucky readers of my blog will receive a brand new copy of Domino's The Book of Decorating: A Room-by-Room Guide to Creating a Home That Makes You Happy.

Just let me know in the comments if there was a particular Domino story that influenced a specific design purchase or project in your own home?

I'll be picking the winners on Friday, probably using


  1. I only got a couple of issues before it went under... so I can't say a specific story influenced me.... However I do love the take on modern/classic/preppy that many of the designers use... classic patterns in modern colors, etc... oooh! pick me! pick me!

  2. In the Feb. 2009 issue on the back page, fashion stylist Kristen Naiman named her 10 favorite things--and WOW she picked some fabulous sky blue pencils that I immediately began to covet. I am a pen-o-phile (is that a word?) I love cool & funky pens and pencils and all things stationery. So of course I bought some! They decorate my work/home-writing life and make me very happy as well.

  3. One of my favorites was one of the last. The article about Zoey Deschanel's inspiration room. It seemed like such a creative space where someone can just read, write, or create.

  4. I also only got 2 issues before it went under but I love the favorite things listed. It allows me to live vicariously through the magazine and troll Target and thrift shops for similiar things.

  5. I saved the October 2008 issue because it was a particularly good one, but my favorite part was an article entitled "Help! My apartment looks like a dorm room". I thought it had a lot of more useful advice and wasn't just all about buying expensive things so much as it was about tying a space together and making it cohesive and comfortable but still stylish.

    It was pretty much the final straw when it came to getting a bookcase for my living room - it really needed it, now it is more organized and I think it ties the room together really nicely.

  6. Anonymous10:35 AM

    The premiere issue was my favorite. My copy got lost in one of my many moves :( Can't say there was a specific story that influenced me, but that issue did inspire me to realize that I could decorate my place on the cheap.

  7. I can't remember a specific story, but one of my favorite things in the magazine were the paint/color combination ideas. SO GOOD!

  8. There are many, many things that stand out in my mind from Domino! One that has been on my mind the longest, because I will tackle this project someday, but is more fashion: Before I started to sew apparel seriously, I got the issue (must have been spring 2006) with a model on the cover whose 800-sq ft apartment was renovated. Her skirt was gold silk and I remember thinking, "This couldn't be that hard to make, even for someone like me who can't sew curves." I will make this skirt someday.

    Home-wise, I have loved Domino's paint color combos so much that I am currently having a hard time deciding between two... the pale pink and bright coral is one I love, just feels fresh and happy, but I also loved one room with walls that were a pearlescent, oystery cream. I think my sewing room will become one of those.

  9. This dining room, is a total copy of Domino. I used all the colors from on of their features. I don't remember which issue it was. But, my mom kept telling me the yellow would never work. But, it's beautiful.

  10. I ripped out many pages of Domino to save for future reference. I think the thing that stands out most is finding out about the Benjamin Moore paint color called "Folk Art." I had been looking for an apple green that wasn't neon and after 3 tries "Folk Art" gave me the color I was looking for. It was used in a kitchen spread for a cabinet color. I have it in two rooms of my house. I always loved their use of color and was always disappointed when things were too neutral.

  11. There are so many things that have inspired me in Domino. I miss it terribly and I'm still kicking myself for not saving every bit of their web site before it went under. Anyway, the best issue I loved in recent memory is August 08. I loved the feature about Mara Brock Akil's 1920's Hollywood home. I'm a San Franciscan, so I know it's sacrilege to care so much for a SoCal look, but my flat is a rough-around-the-edges Deco-era beauty and her decorating scheme of rich neutrals and subdued metalics was so inspiring. I especially loved the image of the living room with her walking across in jeans and bare feet, the door open and sunlight splashing in on a huge piece of art by her husband.
    I think what struck me the most was that this was a home that had fantastic style but also was planned for and invited the homeowners' child to "jump, flip, and run" in it. Too often, design magazines fail to acknowledge that people will actually live in their pages' pristine spaces, when life is, at times, sticky and full of crumbs. Domino didn't. I absorbed its pages full of color and light and life, and nothing in it ever felt unattainable or, worse, untouchable. Reading it, you could imagine throwing friendly potlucks or casual cocktail parties in its spaces - not something you get in Elle Decor or Architectural Digest.

  12. Honestly haven't had the pleasure of reading Domino but I have heard great things about it. My husband is always commenting on why I don't go out and decorate more (the house we bought has pale yellow walls and so far I've only repainted 3 rooms).

    I'd love to get added inspiration from any issues I could get my hands on :) Hope you pick me !

  13. Domino influenced my purchase of window film to block out my neighbors' tall dark grey fence that is 2 feet from my kitchen window. And much much more that can't be put into words...

  14. I had just a small taste of Domino's web site before they closed their doors. I've only recently been interested in nesting, in creating a home for myself. What stands out for me, is how much Domino is mourned, in every blog and site i visit! I feel like I've really missed out on something.
