Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wood In All Its Natural Beauty

Even though my blog is a pretty small fish in the huge blogosphere-pond, I still find myself receiving many emails from businesses and artists that want to be mentioned on the site. (Thank you all) As other bloggers know, a lot of the submissions will have nothing to do with content on our blogs or the products just aren't up to snuff.

However, sometimes gems like this get through:

A few weeks ago, I received an email from Greg and Alison Gallegos of Haslett, MI that was right down my alley. Greg, a self-taught artisan, believes in using found or reclaimed wood for his work and the resulting pieces are beautiful, tactile, sensuous, and yet still quite affordable. Please see for yourself by checking out their Etsy shop, Natural Selection Studio.

1 comment:

  1. How gorgeous! I love natural elements like that. Glad to have found your blog through Houseblogs. :) I'll be visiting again.
