Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Wish...

Note: Originally published at the 2Modern Design Talk blog.

To see the Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut in person. This unique and beautiful church located in Ronchamp, France was constructed by Le Corbusier in 1955. I always think of it as the "little church with the Dutch hat" (of course, having no idea if the Dutch have ever worn such a hat but it does remind me of their clogs). I can imagine spending hours in and around this structure because there is so much detail to observe.

Allowing for places of worship inside; framed by randomly placed windows, and outside with the open-air pulpit on the east side, I consider this, of all Le Corbusier's work, to be his most whimsical and fun.

It shows that Modern design does not need to have sharp angles, straight sides, and a sterile feel.

Exterior Images: Dan Delgado photos photos via the Bluffton University Digital Imaging Project
Interior Images: Galinsky

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