Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Paint the whole world by numbers!

Many companies (more than you would expect) still produce and sell paint-by-number kits. Unfortunately, many that you see in craft stores are for children, which are not only limited in complexity but also in subject matter. There are far too many adorable baby animals and sea creatures available. Far too many.

However, the best quality kits are still available online and the best are landscapes, some of them vintage designs like mine below.

Autumn Gold

There is also a very modern New York street scene and a French cafe scene I've seen before that I would love to own, but examples like these are few and far between. If you find a great kit, snatch it up because I haven't seen that New York one in years!

I wish paint by number would catch on again. In a way it did after an exhibit at the National Museum of American History in 2001-2002. Produced at the same time was a companion book called Paint By Number: The How-to Craze that Swept the Nation. Here are some other books and combination book and kits on the craft that are available.

RealArt! The Paint by Number Book and Kit

Paint By Number Kit: Everything You Need to Re-Create 8 Vintage Masterpieces Complete Paint-By-Number Set

Painting By Numbers

Painting the Great Masters by Number

Painting by Number is definitely a great way to relax, which is why it was so popular in the post WWI years. They do not need a lot of skill or talent but still impart a feeling of accomplishment when done and hanging on your walls.

Here are some online sources where you can still buy
quality kits:



Dimensions/PaintWorks - the best collection of the bunch


Hobby Masters


New England Arts & Crafts



  1. I love the painting with the donkey!

    I moved my blog to wordpress...new url...


    I've set up my links on the frontpage and of course...included you!


  2. Aww, thanks!

    Is your blog title also changing or are you still I Love Upstate?

    I'm thinking of changing the name of my other blog b/c there are so many others with similar names covering VERY different subjects than mine.
