Friday, December 05, 2008

The Magazine Graveyard

Here they are.

All the other magazines that I loved that were also canceled in the last five years. Some never got a chance to succeed such as Real+Life Decorating and Living 101.*

Budget Living
Blueprint (MSL Omnimedia, Inc.)
Bargain Style (Better Homes & Garden)
Living 101 (Southern Progress)
Living Room (Better Homes & Garden )
Real+Life Decorating (Better Homes & Garden)
And of course, Cottage Living (Time Inc. via Southern Progress**)

* Only one issue was ever printed.
** Southern Progress is the publisher of Southern Living, Cooking Light, Health, Southern Accents, Coastal Living and Sunset.


Kerry said...

The top 4 were all ones I had too. I sold my entire run of Budget Living on Ebay for $50 before I moved.

drwende said...

You are the Subscriber of Doom!

That's disappointing, though, how budget publications can't survive. You're giving me the urge to spray paint something, just to say I did it.

Anne At Large said...

I would totally have subscribed to the Sunset one. I am a sucker for the lifestyle they promote. And I get so excited whenever they feature someplace I have been! It's like I read ahead.

And that reminds me, do you subscribe to Domino or Sunset? They are the only two I get and I wouldn't mind continuing to. Subscriber of Doom, spare my magazines!

lsaspacey said...

Yes, I do subscribe to Domino but they aren't having advertiser problems. The cancellations seem to happen just after I discover I like the magazine well enough to subscribe. With Domino, I have been a subscriber for over a year. So, knock on wood.

Swestie said...


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh was real life decorating only one issue?? i have that issue and just assumed i couldn't find it anymore after i originally bought it.

lsaspacey said...

Kay, sorry I meant that only one issue was printed of Living 101. I remember that there were at least three issues of Real+Life (I have two).

Anonymous said...

Great post. I was a subscriber of most of these, too, and a magazine professional. (I also was so sad to lose Organic Style, another Sarah Gray Miller publication, for Rodale.) If you loved Blueprint, Bargain Style, and especially Budget Living, come check out Shoestring Magazine, a new free online weekly at I'd love to know your thoughts--you can reach me at melissa at Thanks and hope to hear from you/your readers soon! ~ Melissa, founder and editor in chief, Shoestring Magazine